Heart for Art

The Humboldt Area Arts Community is looking for artists to create and donate art for the 11th annual art exhibit on Monday, Sept. 26.
The “Have a Heart for Art” benefit will be held Monday, Sept. 26, from 6-8 p.m. at River Valley Orchard and Winery, located four miles west of Humboldt on Highway 3.
Art donations are being requested. All mediums are welcome and encouraged. Finished and priced artwork is to be delivered to Witz End by Friday, Sept. 23. Art donations will be available for purchase by Have a Heart benefit attendees.
Artists are asked to contact Lisa Rasmussen at (515) 890-1098 or by email at lisajrasmussen@gmail.com, or Kris Christensen at krchristensen@yahoo.com with your intent to create so further information can be mailed. Tickets for the fund-raising event are $25 per person and are available at Bank Iowa, First State Bank and Witz End. - See more at: http://www.humboldtnews.com/articles/2016/09/12/heart-art-seeks-entries#sthash.tcQJdef2.dpuf